Lifecycle Solutions
We work with our customers to develop solutions that meet their unique requirements.
We delivers platforms based on each customer’s needs.
We customize platforms and select top quality mission equipment to meet each customer’s demanding requirements.
We have graduated thousands of pilots from courses that range from ab initio training to advanced mission scenarios.
We operate certified maintenance and repair facilities worldwide.
Our proven upgrade program of Modernization and Service Life Extension programs keep platforms flying longer.
We work with our customers to develop solutions that meet their unique requirements. IDAG is platform agnostic and maintains relationships with major OEMs and industry leading aftermarket providers. We believe well-defined, mission driven requirements result in long-term, cost-effective solutions. We believe in letting customers’ missions drive our engagements. By beginning with a detailed mission-needs analysis, we help create efficient solutions that meet a range of requirements.

Platform Sales
IDAG delivers budget conscious solutions based on each Customer’s needs. We find refurbished platforms with upgraded industry-leading systems and components that are built for our Customer’s unique missions. We encourage our Customers to invest in maintenance capabilities to ensure the longevity of the platform. IDAG has experience navigating international regulatory and trade requirements to deliver rapid solutions anywhere in the world.
Platform Sales
We develop customized, individual solutions tailored to customer needs. In cooperation with the customer, IDAG selects and delivers new or verified refurbished platforms with upgraded, industry-leading systems and components. IDAG has experience navigating international regulatory and trade requirements to deliver rapid, compliant solutions anywhere in the world.
IDAG customizes platforms and selects mission equipment capable of exceeding our customers’ needs. Each customer is unique and has unique mission requirements. From military and law enforcement aviation needs to air rescue, firefightingor utility operations, IDAG offers a customized solution. We closely with customer representatives to provide solutions essential to mission success.
IDAG’s commercial solutions are driven by its military ethos. We maintain FAA and EASA certifications to provide a wide range of commercial training for both fixed-wing and rotary wing student pilots. We have graduated student pilots from over 120 countries.
IDAG operates certified maintenance and repair facilities worldwide. In both government and commercial aviation settings, a well-defined and managed maintenance program reduces aircraft down-time. We believe an effective maintenance, repair, and overhaul program is essential to program success. IDAG develops and maintains deep relationships with part manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that both our training fleet and our Customers’ fleets experience minimal down-time. Our state–of-the-art logistics and inventory management systems reduce supply-chain bottlenecks.
Maintenance & Operations
IDAG operates certified maintenance and repair facilities worldwide. In both government and commercial aviation settings, a well-defined and managed maintenance program reduces aircraft down-time. We believe an effective maintenance, repair, and overhaul program is essential to program success. IDAG develops and maintains deep relationships with part manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that both our training fleet and our Customers’ fleets experience minimal down-time. Our state–of-the-art logistics and inventory management systems reduce supply-chain bottlenecks.
Service Life Extension & Upgrades
Unique program of modernization provides keep platforms flying. Continuous improvements and upgrades enable existing platforms to compete with new products. It always depends on the mission set and customer need. IDAG under Service Life Extension increases the utility value of existing helicopters. Whether it is paint, deep overhaul, replacing gensets with new and more powerful ones, installing a digital cockpit, or a new mission kit, IDAG breathes new life into an existing platform.
